Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Is It Nap Time Yet?

Well, I made it through a week of work. Man am I tired. I didn't realize how tired running around work all day was. I do feel accomplished though... I've been able to get a lot of stuff done, and that makes me feel good. In the 4 days I was at work, I almost completely cleared my over-flowing desk of work orders. The down-side to that was coming back to work today (Tuesday, since I'm taking Mondays off) and there being several more work orders stacked for me to get done. This morning was tough, I knew I needed to get out of bed and go to work (hey! it's good exercise, it's a paycheck, and it gets me out of the house) but that doesn't mean I wanted to. I was so comfy cozy in bed, that's where I wanted to stay. Who wants to go outside in 20 something degree weather, start a cold car, and actually go to work?! Not me... BUT, I did, and I got a lot done. Getting a lot done is awesome, it's the after math that kinda sucks. I feel like I could sleep for a week and still be tired. Anyway, enough of my complaining. YAWN, time to get cozy and ready for bed.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Back In The Saddle Again!

I'm officially back in action. It's hard to admit it, but I did miss work and Bob... Even missed Marty (but only just a little). It was strange being back, but I had a good day. I ended up getting a lot done, not as much as I would've like, but oh well. I'm not to over do it, not to be stressed and not to worry. So I will do my best to keep a stress-free positive attitude. I've been warned that if I don't take it easy and keep from being stressed that I won't be working. To this I just roll my eyes and say oh well.
I didn't work a full 8 hours, only worked 6, but hey, that was 6 busy hours after being cooped up and stuck at home for over 4 months. I'm tired and beat, but it's not as bad as I thought. I even managed to make dinner when I got home. Woo-hooo! Tomorrow I'll try making it in a little sooner than I did today, but if I don't, I don't. I get there when I get there. It'll be a good way to build back my stamina. Who knows, I may even be ready to go work out again soon. I know, I know, nothing too strenuous. It's just good to be doing something again. :)

Monday, January 19, 2009


Well, today was a great day. Other than waiting FOREVER at the doctor's office, a lot got accomplished. The ultrasound went great, the baby is healthy and doing fine. The doctor made my day when after much discussion and pleading (complaining and whining too) he removed my IV line!! YEA!! So, I'm no longer stuck, tied down to the blasted IV machine!!! Granted the removal was uncomfortable, and my arm hurts, I'm still very much a happy camper. Oh, and last but not least about the doctor's visit... It's a girl :)

As far as my goals for 2009 go, I'm doing pretty good. Got rid of the IV, going into work tomorrow, baby's healthy, I'm blogging, and over the last week I've been working on my knitting project (a baby blanket). I just have to keep it up.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Happy 2009!

Here's to everyone having a bigger, brighter and happier 2009! I've decided that I'm doing away with making New Year's Resolutions... Instead I'm going to have things (goals, thoughts, inklings and inspirations, whatever) that I'm going to do more of. Not a change of who I am or what I do, but minor improvements. But we'll see what happens. My goals for this new year are as follows:

1) Get rid of the darn-blasted IV machine!

2) Keep in touch more (blog, email, snail-mail, phone calls)

3) Start and FINISH a big knitting project. (I WILL figure out that blanket!)

4) Read more

5) Exercise... well right now this means get to a point to where I CAN exercise!

6) Have a happy, healthy, perfect baby (Baby's arrival is tentatively scheduled for 06/02/09)

That's it. That's all. I'm sure I'll add to that list as I think of things.

Now, since I'm a terrible, forgetful blogger it's time for an update. Since I quit blogging I have slacked off in my Group Power classes... not all to being lazy, but due to medical complications. No worries, I'm just pregnant and having a hard time. But other than the IV I'm all but fine now. I'm 19 weeks along and going for the BIG ultrasound next monday. We're hoping that the baby cooperates so that we know who's going to be arriving in June. So far, most people think it's a girl, but we shall see. Either way, girl or boy, I just want a happy and healthy baby.

I'm super excited today. Dave's Eagles beat the Giants, so he's on cloud 9. Since today is a good day, I felt up to climbing the hill to the mail box, and suprise!!! Miss Erin sent me a box! I finally have my Erin-made socks! (Which I have been wearing since I ripped the package open.) The package also had all kinds of goodies to help take care of my pregnant lady feet, or so I'm told. Thank you, thank you, thank you Miss Erin! I love my box!

Anyway, time to post this and show off my new socks. Will do my best to keep up with my goals (especially blogging more). I should fix my goal list to say that I'm going to encourage Erin to blog more often too... since she made me a blogger :)