Adventures as "Mommy"
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Happy 2013!
It's a new year, with a lot of new things already. Working, being mommy,two energetic monsters - one of which who goes to preschool three days a week. The other getting lots of teeth at once. New laptop (Thanks Hubby!) so there's a learning curve for the new machine (the keys are bigger, so I'm having a heck of a time typing!). Crafty projects and so much to do. Hoping to keep this blog running - since I certainly haven't done a good job at it so far. New Year's Resolutions?? (Have to post them everywhere to keep myself accountable) - Be a better wife and mommy. Lose the last 13 lbs of flab and get in shape. Get and STAY organized. Sounds simple? Maybe, but a lot of times "SIMPLE" things turn out to be a lot more difficult than they should be.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
2012 and Beyond!
So, it's officially 2012, and well, it has been for over 3 months now... I'd say it's high time I stick to this blog thing, get my booty in gear and keep it updated!!
Today, my little man is 5 months old! 5 months - whoa, where did the time go?? My 'baby' girl will be THREE in 2.5 months - time truly has flown and is going by just too fast!
With that being said, here is my attempt to keep things up to date!!
Today, my little man is 5 months old! 5 months - whoa, where did the time go?? My 'baby' girl will be THREE in 2.5 months - time truly has flown and is going by just too fast!
With that being said, here is my attempt to keep things up to date!!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Last Blog of 2010
Can't believe how fast 2010 flew by... So many changes and so much going on. First birthday, first steps, bumps, bruises, and so many other things. Hoping that the new year brings us good health, happiness and only minor bumps in the road!
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Knit, Knit.... Start over....
So, I've known I'm some what of a perfectionist for a long long LONG time now. I have proof now that I seriously must have some OCD issues. I've started a knitting project that I think may be doable, but it's a far stretch from being easy for me. In the past 3 days I've started and restarted this project at least 2 times each day. Last night I decided that was it, it was the last time I was restarting, boo boos and mistakes, oh well, i'd live with them. HA! This morning I started looking at it and ripped it out again. UGH!
January is almost to its end. Bring on February... I'm excited to see what February will bring. I know it will bring me another year older, but I can handle that... I can pretend I'm not turning 28, right? ;) Delaney is still teething, and it's a horrible thing. I feel so bad for her, well, except for when she bites me! Darn monster has SHARP teeth!!! Last night was the first night in quite a while that she slept through the night. I, however did not. I was so worried because she WASN'T waking up that I had to keep checking on her!! She slept from 9:30pm until 12am (cried a bit and went back to sleep) and then slept until 11:30am.... when I woke her up. I got up and checked her 5 times between 5am and 11am. At least she got a good night's sleep.
January also brought me to bringing my sewing machine home, getting it set up and sewing at home. I'm excited to have it here.... only problem is I have SO many projects I want to do and fabric is starting to pile up. We seriously need a house so I can have a sewing room!!
Monday, January 4, 2010
Happy New Year! The 2010 Edition
I guess last year's resolution to blog more, kinda went out the window. But now that Delaney is here I have more reason to keep things updated. We had an awesome Thanksgiving, a wonderful Christmas and a great New Year's (Laney stayed up WAY too late, she didn't get to sleep until after 11:30pm!). We got to spend Christmas Eve, Christmas and the day after with Miss Bethany. Boy do the girls LOVE to play with each other! It's amazing to see Bethany so excited each time she visits and her amazement with all of her baby sister's new skills.
Dave and I got to see my WSU Cougs play basketball in person. We watched both the men's and women's teams. It was fun to see the guys I watch on TV live and in person... Boy they are MUCH bigger in real life. The TV just doesn't do them justice. We watched the games here at the Toyota Center, and I took along my knitting for half-time and between games. This one's for Erin, because while at the games and knitting I learned that knitting IS in fact exercise!! See, I ended up dropping my yarn, and it rolled under the seat below mine. Those seats are WAY too close together. I spent a good portion of the second game TRYING to get the yarn back.... I ended up having to sit down on the floor (eww) and ever so carefully pull the yarn and then I was able to stab it with the knitting needle and get it back. I was all stretched and contorted in order to achieve this feat! It was indeed a workout. There you have it Miss Erin!! By the way, both the Men's and Women's teams kicked some b-ball butt and WON! WOooo HOooo!!
Miss Delaney Ray is now 7 months old... Where oh where has the time gone? It seems like yesterday that I was big and fat and swollen up pregnant, thinking she'd NEVER get here. She's getting her second tooth... Teething totally bites! Every day brings us new adventures and accomplishments. We're still working on crawling, so far she's able to scoot, roll, and crawl BACKWARDS. She sits up so well and says Mommom mom and mama... No Dada yet (I think Dave's bummed by this). But I feel super special. She has such a personality too! Laney definitely is my little ray of sunshine and keeps me laughing. I've been trying my hand at making videos and posting them on youtube.
I've been working again semi-part time. Whenever weather allows and I have a sitter for Laney. Mostly she stays with my WONDERFUL baby sister, who is the BEST sister in the world. I love my sisser very very much! Laney loves her Auntie too!! I've also been knitting lots and going to MOPS. Having lots of fun. Ok, that's about it for now. Time to fold the never ending laundry.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
No News Is Good News
Well, it's time for an update. All is well on the home front, for the most part. My check-ups at the doctors have now gone from once a month to every two weeks. I'm not exactly thrilled about this, since I've never been a fan of going to the doctor. Baby Delaney's heart beat was a strong 143, and boy oh boy is she an active kicker!
We've been slowly accumulating a lot of baby stuff. Friday the UPS man brought the crib, and today we picked out the bedding... it's really cute and has little froggies on it. We only have a few more big ticket items and we'll be set. It'll be nice to have everything ready for when she gets here.
In other exciting news, the weather has decided to warm up a little. It's been pretty nice, just have to deal with rain here and there. Friday I drove home from work with the sunroof open... it was great! I think that's about it for now...
We've been slowly accumulating a lot of baby stuff. Friday the UPS man brought the crib, and today we picked out the bedding... it's really cute and has little froggies on it. We only have a few more big ticket items and we'll be set. It'll be nice to have everything ready for when she gets here.
In other exciting news, the weather has decided to warm up a little. It's been pretty nice, just have to deal with rain here and there. Friday I drove home from work with the sunroof open... it was great! I think that's about it for now...
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Frigid Weather, Fighting Colds and Loads of Laundry
Well, I've kinda fallen behind in my blogging... But I've kept up with most everything else. I've been taking some pictures of our FRIGID freezing cold weather. Reading more and trying to stay on top of the household chores.

The weather has been crazy. It'll rain and pour then the sun will shine. It'll blow and blow and then hail or snow, and then the sun will shine. All the while the temperature stays WAY TOO LOW!!! I want warmer weather. I'm sick of the thermometer in my car constantly beeping at me, telling me it's 37 degrees and the warning of possible icy roads. I want temperatures a tad higher than 'freeze my butt off!' I'd settle for 60's. I just want it warmer!
It seems like the weather is keeping lots of people sick. This week I've been trying to fight off a cold. I feel down right slimy! I just want to sleep, but can't. I have a bit of a cough and a tingle in my throat and oh! the sneezing! Not to worry, I'm doing my best to take it easy, drinking lots of hot lemon and honey and resting. If all else fails, I'll have the doctor check me out at my monthly scheduled appointment (Monday morning).
Tuesday night I was invited to play Bunco with my Grandma and her friends at Curves. I've only played bunco one other time and it's fun, so I was excited. I didn't win, neither did Grandma, but we had fun. I met a lot of crazy ladies and it was an all around good time.
Other than that I've just been attempting to keep up with all the laundry that seems to be needing to be done. Oh, and last Saturday was my busiest day yet. We went and watched "The Watchmen" (my gosh! what a long movie!) It was an ok movie, not bad. BUT! It was over two and a half hours! Do you know how difficult it is for a pregnant woman to sit that long without a potty break?! I did it though, barely! Haha. After the movie, Dave and I met up with my parents and Angie and Kenny at the TRAC in Pasco for the Rough Stock Extreme Bull Riding competition. That was fun, other than the fact that everyone kept walking back and forth infront of me, making me stand up practically every five minutes. I was irritated to say the least. But we managed to have fun. It was just super hard staying awake that long. I was SOOO tired! (I'm yawning as I typed that!)
That's about it for now... hopefully I'll do better at this blogging thing.
The weather has been crazy. It'll rain and pour then the sun will shine. It'll blow and blow and then hail or snow, and then the sun will shine. All the while the temperature stays WAY TOO LOW!!! I want warmer weather. I'm sick of the thermometer in my car constantly beeping at me, telling me it's 37 degrees and the warning of possible icy roads. I want temperatures a tad higher than 'freeze my butt off!' I'd settle for 60's. I just want it warmer!
It seems like the weather is keeping lots of people sick. This week I've been trying to fight off a cold. I feel down right slimy! I just want to sleep, but can't. I have a bit of a cough and a tingle in my throat and oh! the sneezing! Not to worry, I'm doing my best to take it easy, drinking lots of hot lemon and honey and resting. If all else fails, I'll have the doctor check me out at my monthly scheduled appointment (Monday morning).
Tuesday night I was invited to play Bunco with my Grandma and her friends at Curves. I've only played bunco one other time and it's fun, so I was excited. I didn't win, neither did Grandma, but we had fun. I met a lot of crazy ladies and it was an all around good time.
Other than that I've just been attempting to keep up with all the laundry that seems to be needing to be done. Oh, and last Saturday was my busiest day yet. We went and watched "The Watchmen" (my gosh! what a long movie!) It was an ok movie, not bad. BUT! It was over two and a half hours! Do you know how difficult it is for a pregnant woman to sit that long without a potty break?! I did it though, barely! Haha. After the movie, Dave and I met up with my parents and Angie and Kenny at the TRAC in Pasco for the Rough Stock Extreme Bull Riding competition. That was fun, other than the fact that everyone kept walking back and forth infront of me, making me stand up practically every five minutes. I was irritated to say the least. But we managed to have fun. It was just super hard staying awake that long. I was SOOO tired! (I'm yawning as I typed that!)
That's about it for now... hopefully I'll do better at this blogging thing.
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