Saturday, June 28, 2008


Thursday's Group Power kicked butt! (My blogging slacked for a few days, lack of sleep will do that to ya!) Dave was gimpy, so it was just me that went. Yes, I went to Group Power by myself. I'm proud of myself for setting a plan and sticking to it. I've be going to the class for three weeks now, and I feel great! My body is finally adjusting to a regular activity schedule. I feel energetic and i'm starting to notice results. From being at not much activity to now being committed to an exercise class twice a week is such an improvement. I'm truly working on my New Year's Resolutions. Now I just have to keep it up and try and get to where I have more than just two days a week at the Court Club.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Good for you for sticking with it! I was really good last week, but I'm starting to slack this week. What's wrong with Gimpy Dave?

Have you gone to Group Kick yet? I went to Combat again last night. It totally kicked my butt! I wasn't sure I would even make it through the whole class. But I stuck it out.